
Pink patch lawn fungus
Pink patch lawn fungus

pink patch lawn fungus

Once they’ve found a suitable plant to infect they grow mycelium. These spores float on the wind until they land on your lawn. Pink patch is a fungus and reproduces through releasing microscopic spores. Sustained wet soil and low light levels which weaken grass can also contribute. This can leave it vulnerable to pink patch infection. Overfeeding with nitrogen (especially in autumn) can cause weak, unsustainable growth in grass. In the UK, it is most often a problem in a damp spring and early summer. It can infect grass at lower temperatures if the grass is weak and the air is damp, such as during a mild winter. It flourishes in an air temperature of between 15 and 24☌.

pink patch lawn fungus

Pink patch is a parasitic fungal infection which needs mild and damp conditions to grow. Pink patch and red thread infecting the same grass leaves. Perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne sp.), bentgrasses ( Agrostis spp.) and ( Poa sp.) can also suffer pink patch infection. Recently laid fescue turf is at a very high risk of pink patch and red thread infection. Fescue grasses are often a common species in turf. Slender and strong creeping red fescues (festuca ssp.) are most at risk from infection.

pink patch lawn fungus

This makes them easy to see, often without even examining the grass. The gelatinous, pink, spiked growths can be up to 1 cm in diameter and are a very bright pink colour. Pink patch is usually easier to identify than red thread. The obvious pink growths protruding from the grass leaves. When examined, the grass looks necrotic, with leaves knitting together. These patches can appear over a few days, and may stay for several weeks. These are usually circular, but they can coalesce into larger areas. The disease causes areas of grass to discolour. It often appears in conjunction with red thread lawn disease, causing similar symptoms. Pink patch ( Limonomyces roseipellis) is a parasitic fungus which can infect lawn grass.

Pink patch lawn fungus